Code of Practice

Media Makeup’s Code of Practice


This Code of Practice provides the basis for good practice in the marketing, operation, financing and administration of education and training services by Media Makeup, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

This Code is designed for a person wanting to undertake an accredited course at Media Makeup. Use this code as a guideline, this will help to understand the processes and quality assurance that are in place at the academy.

Since 1998 Media Makeup has provided quality education in Makeup artistry and technology. The courses are designed to equip the learner with all the skills necessary to gain employment within the Cosmetic, Fashion and Media Industry. We deliver this training under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Quality Framework (VQF) under the standards for RTO’s 2015

As an RTO, Media Makeup has been given permission by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver Nationally Accredited Qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) standards. Our RTO number is 2316.

Media Makeup is also accredited to deliver training to International Learners under the Commonwealth Register of Institutions & Courses for Overseas Learners (CRICOS) our provider code is 03159G.

Education & Services

Media Makeup will ensure that all information is made fully available to a prospective learner, prior to an enrolment into a course and that information is not misleading. Media Makeup is committed to continually provide quality training by following the policies and procedures as outlined in the Leaner’s Handbook.

Media Makeup will ensure that learners have the educational background and English language proficiency to be able to undertake the course requirements successfully.

Media Makeup has state of the art training facilities that have been specifically designed for the purpose of Makeup Application,Makeup Effects Creation and Hair Styling. We will provide all necessary tools and equipment to undertake a course. These facilities and resources are continuously maintained to a high standard.

Trainers and Assessors at Media Makeup have all had a minimum of 3 years industry experience and hold the appropriate qualification in both the Makeup industry and in Education. It is important to Media Makeup that our Trainers currently work within the industry.

Media Makeup has a very strong connection with the industry and we continuously update our training and assessment methods within the academy to keep up with trends and new technologies in the industry. Work experience is a vital part of these methods, so that the learner is ready for employment.

Media Makeup will only provide training from current recognised training packages.

Media Makeup is flexible with the needs of each learner, will monitor learner’s course attendance and progress, and will provide additional support where necessary.

Media Makeup will recognise any previous experiences gained either from other training courses, industry experiences or previous employment.

Learner satisfaction surveys are conducted regularly and we welcome feedback from our learners, staff and industry employers.

Media Makeup will protect your personal information and we will maintain records of your training progress and issue certificates and parchments in a timely manner.

Media Makeup conducts internal audits of the learner records processes to ensure we meet the requirements of the VET Quality Framework and Standards for RTO’s 2015.

We are committed to the health, wellbeing and safety of our learners at all times.

Media Makeup has a range of learner services available to our learner as detailed in our Learners Handbooks.

Financial Standards

Media Makeup has a clear fair and reasonable refund policy that is made available to all prospective learner’s prior to enrolment.

Media Makeup will provide clear financial information about the individual learner fee structure and balances.

Media Makeup will ensure that all Insurances are current at all times.

Media Makeup is a member of the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET).

Media Makeup will limit the amount of course fees accepted in advance. Deposits will not exceed $1,000.00 and course fees will not exceed $1,500.00. Course fees are payable via weekly instalments in arrears.

Complaints and Appeals

Media Makeup ensures that learners and clients have access to a fair, equal and inexpensive process for complaints. Media Makeup will always try and resolve any complaints internally. In the event that a resolution cannot be made, learners can access an independent external complaints service.

Rebecca Cochrane

Chief Executive Officer

Media Makeup Academy & Agency Pty Ltd

Dated: February 2015
Version: 2

The Child Safe or Child Protection Policy

This policy was written to demonstrate the strong commitment of management, employees and volunteers to child safety and establishing and maintaining child safe and child friendly environments.

Commitment to safety of young people

All young people who access the services of Media Makeup have a right to feel and be safe.

Media Makeup is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people accessing our services and the welfare of the children in our care will always be our first priority. We aim to create a child safe and child friendly environment where young people feel safe and enjoy learning.

Where personal contact is required as part of the training provided, the appropriate procedures will be explained to the young person prior to the training being undertaken.

This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, young people, visitors and individuals who access the services of Media Makeup.

Young people’s rights to safety and participation

Media Makeup management,employees and volunteers encourage young people to express their views, and make suggestions, especially on matters that directly affect young people. We actively encourage all young people who access our services to ‘have a say’ about those things that are important to them. We value diversity and do not tolerate any discriminatory practices.

We advise young people about what they can do if they feel unsafe. We listen to and act on any concerns young people, or their parents, raise with us.

Recruitment of employees and volunteers

Media Makeup applies the best practice standards in the recruitment and screening of employees and volunteers. Our statement of commitment to child safety and our requirements are included in all advertisements.

Support for employees and volunteers

Media Makeup seeks to attract and retain the best employees and volunteers. We provide support and supervision so people feel valued, respected and fairly treated. We have a code of conduct to provide guidance to our employees and volunteers, all of whom acknowledge the requirements of the code.

Reporting and responding to suspected abuse and neglect

We Media Makeup will not tolerate incidents of child abuse.

We Media Makeup are responsible for ensuring that employees and volunteers are aware how to make appropriate reports of abuse or neglect.

Employees and volunteers must notify the Child Abuse Report Line on 13 14 78 as soon as practicable if they have a reasonable suspicion that a young person has been or is being abused or neglected.
We will also provide opportunities for employees and volunteers to undertake child safe environment training.

A person does not necessarily exhaust his or her duty of care to a child by making a report to the Child Abuse Report Line – they may still have a role in supporting the child or young person. For example, employees and volunteers may also report any form of abuse to The CEO within the RTO for further support or to ensure that Media Makeup takes all reasonable steps to keep the child and others safe.

The Media Makeup will support any employee and volunteer that makes a report to the Child Abuse Report Line.

We Media Makeup will have an indentified Child Protection Contact Person. Definitions of the following terms are included in the attached appendix: Child, Child Abuse, Child Protection Contact Person, Trainer, Young Person.

Rebecca Cochrane

Chief Executive Officer

Media Makeup Academy & Agency Pty Ltd

Dated: July 2012


Child (Young person) – A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 (The Children Act 1989).

Child Abuse – Children can be abused in different ways and child abuse includes a wide range of acts of omission and commission. The following is based on definitions in “Guidelines for Mandated Notifiers”, produced by Government of South Australia – Department for Families and Communities.

Physical Abuse – is commonly characterized by physical injury resulting from practices such as hitting, punching, kicking (marks from belt buckles, fingers); shaking (particularly young babies); burning (irons, cigarettes), biting, pulling out hair; alcohol or other drug administration.

Sexual Abuse – occurs when someone in a position of power to the child uses his/her power to involve the child in sexual activity. Behaviour can include sexual suggestion; exhibitionism, mutual masturbation, oral sex; showing pornographic material e.g. DVDs, internet; using children in the production of pornographic material; penile or other penetration of the genital or anal region; child prostitution.

Emotional Abuse – tends to be a chronic behavioural pattern directed at a child whereby a child’s self esteem and social competence are undermined or eroded over time. Behaviours may include devaluing, ignoring, rejecting, corrupting, isolating, terrorising, chronic or extreme domestic violence in the children’s presence.

Neglect – is characterized by the failure to provide for the child’s basic needs. Behaviours may include inadequate supervision of young children for long periods of time; failure to provide adequate nutrition, clothing or personal hygiene; failure to provide needed or appropriate health care/medical treatment; disregard for potential hazards in the home; forcing the child to leave home early; allowing children to engage in chronic truancy.

Child Protection Contact Person – a person appointed by the CEO of the RTO to be responsible for child protection matters and to ensure that the RTO child protection procedures conform to the requirements of the relevant jurisdiction.

Trainer – any person over the age of 18 who is employed by the RTO and is responsible for the care and safety of children in a recognized training course delivered under the RTO name.

Young person – a term used instead of the word child to describe a person under the age of 18.

This document has been adapted for Registered Training Organisations from the template produced by Families SA. It was produced as part of Service Skills SA’s Child Safe Environments Reframing the Future project.

Media Makeup’s Code of Practice – Overseas Students

CRICOS Code: 03159G
RTO Code: 2316



This Code of Practice provides the basis for good practice in the marketing, operation, financing and administration of education and training services to overseas students by Media Makeup Academy & Agency Pty Ltd a Training Organisation registered in South Australia by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

This Code of Practice complements the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 established under Commonwealth law (the ESOS Act, 2000 and ESOS Regulations 2001).

For the purpose of this Code “student” (or parent or legal guardian if the student is under 18 years of age) refers to any person (whether within or outside Australia) who holds a student visa as defined by the ESOS Act, 2000, and is participating in education or training delivered by this organisation.

A “client” is a person or organisation who may enter into a contract with the registered training provider for the delivery of education and training services. “National Code” refers to the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.

Provision of Training & Assessment Services

2.1 Our organisation has policies and management practices that maintain high professional standards in the delivery of education, training and assessment services, and which safeguards the interests and welfare of students.
2.2 Our organisation maintains a learning environment that is conducive to the success of students.
2.3 Our organisation has the capacity to deliver and assess the courses/qualifications for which it has been registered, including: human and physical resources that meet the requirements of Standard 14 of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.
2.1 Our organisation monitors and assesses the performance and progress of its students.
2.2 Our organisation ensures that assessments are conducted in a manner that meets the endorsed components of the relevant Training Package(s) and/or recognised courses.
2.3 Our organisation is committed to the principles of access and equity in the delivery of its services.

Issuance of Qualifications

Our organisation issues Qualifications and Statements of Attainment to students who meet the required outcomes of a Qualification or Unit of Competence, in accordance with all relevant National Guidelines, acknowledging where applicable.

Marketing of Training & Assessment Services

4.1 Our organisation accepts responsibility under this Code of Practice for the actions of its appointed agents or those responsible for the provision of a course under an arrangement with our organisation in relation to information on the recruitment and placement of overseas students, including prescriptions specified at Standards 1 and 4 of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.
4.2 In marketing our services to overseas students, our organisation aims to enhance the reputation of South Australia and Australia as a source of quality education and training.
4.3 Our organisation markets its services consistently with the educational, cultural and regulatory systems of countries in which it seeks to market and accurately represents education and training products and services to prospective students and clients.
4.4 Our organisation accurately represents recognised education and training products and services to prospective students and clients and does not:

4.4.1 Make any inaccurate claims of association with any other provider or organisation, or give inaccurate advice as to acceptance into another course;
4.4.2 Draw false or misleading comparisons with any other provider or qualification.

4.5 Our organisation gains written permission from a student or client before using information about that individual or organisation in any marketing materials.
4.6 Our organisation ensures students and clients are provided with full details of conditions in any contract arrangement with the organisation and will not enrol a student unless we have provided the student with accurate and current information consistent with Attachment A to this Code.

Recruitment & Placement

5.1 Our organisation ensures that offers of course placement are based on assessments by qualified persons of the extent to which the student’s qualifications and proficiencies are appropriate to the course of education /training.
5.2 Our organisation obtains evidence that assessment of an intending overseas student’s proficiency in English has been carried out (unless this is clearly not relevant). Evidence of assessment meets the requirements of the Migration Regulations.
5.3 Our organisation ensures that the educational background and English language proficiency of intending students is assessed by suitably qualified persons, and provides for the training of such staff and agents, as appropriate.
5.4 Our organisation includes, in any offer of course placement, information on requirements for English language skills (unless this is clearly not relevant), or bridging courses where these are considered necessary.
5.5 Our organisation provides accurate information to overseas students of the requirements of courses, enrols overseas students only in courses as defined in Standard 1 and 9 and under Part C, Section 7, Course Duration of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 under the ESOS Act, 2000.
5.6 Our organisation notifies and has a documented process for the notification of the relevant Commonwealth authority, for matters relating to overseas student attendance.
5.7 Our organisation ensures that the recruitment and placement of overseas students complies with equal opportunity legislation and is consistent with DIBP (Department of Immigration and Boarder Protection) requirements.

Recognition of Prior Learning / Recognition of Current Competence

6.1 In instances when our organisation grants RPL/RCC, it does so in accordance with a documented process, maintains records of RPL/RCC assessments and in compliance with the requirements specified in Standards 2.1 (a) and 12 of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.

Financial Standards

7.1 Our organisation provides on an annual basis a statement from an appropriately qualified accountant attesting to our financial viability.
7.2 Our organisation has appropriate measures in place to ensure students are not financially disadvantaged in the event of the financial failure of the organisation.
7.3 Our organisation makes available to students our fair and equitable refund policy which is consistent with Standards 2.1 (e) and 3 of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 under the ESOS Act, 2000.
7.4 Our organisation ensures that the contractual and financial relationship between the student/client and the organisation is fully and properly documented, consistent with Standards 3 and 13, and that, copies of the documentation at Attachment A, are made available to the student/client. Our organisation will not accept payment of any fees for a course from an overseas student unless our organisation has rendered unto the student:

7.4.1 A copy of the agreement, if the provider and the student have a written agreement in accordance with ss 28(1) of the ESOS Act 2000; or
7.4.2 A statement in writing to that effect, if there is no such agreement.
7.4.3 Advice in relation to refunds specified in Standard 3.2 of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 and covered by the provisions of the ESOS Act, 2000 and the ESOS Regulations 2001.


8.1. Our organisation has a documented process for ensuring the information provided in Attachment A, is current and relevant.
8.2 Our organisation has a process for ensuring students are aware that, under the ESOS Act 2000, any personal information may be made available to the state recognition authority, the Commonwealth and the Manager of the ESOS Assurance Fund.
8.3 Our organisation advises and has a process for advising students of:

8.3.1 changes to student visa conditions as advised by DIBP or its equivalent;
8.3.2 changes to the student’s enrolment;
8.3.3 breaches by students of student visa conditions relating to attendance or satisfactory academic performance.

8.4 Our organisation will ensure that staff are informed of their responsibilities under this Code of Practice, consistent with Standard 6.7 of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007, the ESOS Act, 2000 and the ESOS Regulations, 2001.

Student Support Services

8.2. Our organisation has documented processes that ensure the protection for the health, safety and welfare of students together with adequate and appropriate support services in relation to student accommodation, orientation, academic and personal counselling.
8.3. Our organisation has documented processes that enable the discharge of our responsibilities under DIBP requirements to approve accommodation/welfare arrangements for overseas students under 18 years of age.
8.4. Our organisation has documented processes to ensure adequate orientation, information and advice on accommodation, concurrent assistance, bridging courses and welfare facilities.
9.4 Our organisation has documented processes consistent with Standards 5, 6 and 7.3 (ii) of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 or the appointment and direction of a suitably qualified person as a contact officer for overseas students.

Complaints & Appeals Mechanisms

9.1. Our organisation ensures that students and clients have access to a fair, equitable and inexpensive process for expeditiously dealing with grievances and provides an avenue for students to appeal against decisions that affect their progress. Every effort is made by our organisation to resolve students’ and clients’ grievances.
9.2. For this purpose, our organisation has a grievance policy and a member of staff is identified as the reference person for such matters. The grievance mechanism as a whole is made known to students at the time of enrolment.
9.3. Where a grievance cannot be resolved internally, our organisation advises students and clients of arrangements in place for a person or body independent of and external to the registered provider to hear complaints or appeals consistent with Standard 8 of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.

Record Keeping

Our organisation keeps complete and accurate records of the attendance and progress of students. We also keep financial records that reflect all payments and charges, the balance due, and provide copies of these records to students on request.

Quality Control

Our organisation seeks feedback from students and clients on their satisfaction with services received and seeks, through our fully documented quality assurance mechanisms, to improve our service.

National Requirements

Our organisation complies with the ESOS Act, 2000, ESOS Regulations, 2001 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.

Rebecca Cochrane

Chief Executive Officer

Media Makeup Academy & Agency Pty Ltd

Dated: July 2015
Version: 2